What happens to you if you are a recent high school graduate, just admitted to Marquette, and you go on Tik Toc to boldly affirm that you are a supporter of Donald Trump?
The answer is: some leftist Marquette students demand your offer of admission be rescinded.
And how does Marquette respond to such demands? It calls in the student for an Inquisition about her political beliefs, and tells her she may be kicked out of the Freshman class.
As usual, Marquette panders to the leftist mob.
The Beginning
This particular student, whose identity we will not reveal, is quite outspoken in her support of Donald Trump. She posted on TikTok a video of herself over a hip-hop song with the letters on the screen saying “when people see that I support Trump, they start hating on me.” And further: “Then try to hate on me, and think I’ll change my views.”
The TikTok video was apparently noticed by one Erin Cook, who reposted it on Instagram, with the notation “Shits tacky. Pls watch out for this one, MU.” Yes, you really have to watch out for those Trump supporters.
We can tell how much Cook hates Trump from a meme she posted on Instagram:
The Campaign Begins
But Cook was not content with this. She wrote to Marquette’s Dean of Admissions, apparently demanding the student’s admissions be cancelled. We say “apparently,” since she did not post her message to Bryan Troyer. But she did post his response:
Cook also began a campaign to get fellow leftists to write Marquette. Her Instagram profile has a notation “Email Marquette Admin.” A down arrow leads to a PDF document that is supposed to be slightly customized and sent to a long list of Marquette officials. It outlines the supposed offenses of the student.
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The Supposed Offenses
The document attacks the student for “posting her explicit political views.” Heaven help us if somebody should be “explicit” about their political views.
Further: “she is defending President Trump’s stance on immigration” — something that clearly should not be allowed — and “arguing that undocumented immigrants are ‘illegals’ and ‘only here to commit crime.’” Of course, they
are here illegally, and it’s dishonest to use “undocumented.”
And she in fact never said immigrants are “only here to commit crime.” She did say that immigrants increase crime, but didn’t say they are more crime prone than other groups.
The student is further accused to mocking transgender individuals in a YouTube video where she is wondering around a thrift store. She points to a pair of of shoes that are a woman’s style, but a very large size. She says “those are cross-dressing shoes.”
This is supposedly an outrage, not withstanding that biological males who cross-dress do, in fact, have feet way larger than the typical woman.
Cook takes offense at another post by the student on transgenderism.
The irony here, of course, is that the student’s position
is essentially that of the Catholic Church. Not that Marquette bureaucrats care about that in the least.
Feeling Unsafe
The document ends with the usual claim of the politically correct: people will feel “unsafe” if allowed to hear political arguments they don’t like.
These comments create and perpetuate an unsafe space for the LGBTQ+ community, first generation students, and Dreamers at Marquette. . . . The University can and should make it their priority to ensure students (specifically LGBTQ+, immigrants, first gen [sic], and POC) feel safe, valued and appreciated on campus.
In the first place, anybody who is too cowardly to hear political arguments they don’t like doesn’t belong on a college campus.
But in the second place, it’s a lie. These leftist students simply don’t feel unsafe. But claiming to be offended hearing arguments they don’t like, and feeling “unsafe” are claims used to bully into silence people with whom they disagree.
Student Harassed
The student began getting nasty messages and e-mail from leftists. We have included a sampling below.