Marquette Warrior: The PR Machine Behind Cindy Sheehan

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The PR Machine Behind Cindy Sheehan

Via Drudge:

A sophisticated public relations machine, involving veteran liberals and leftists and big money political activists, is running the show.
Cindy Sheehan kneels before a cross with her son’s name on it, touches his picture, wipes her tears. It’s an outpouring of emotion that is part of a scheduled news event organized daily for the television, radio and print reporters who crowd in to capture a mother’s grief.

Cindy Sheehan: “I’m never going to see him again, I’m never going to hold him again, I’m never going to hear his voice again.”

Sheehan’s message hasn’t changed since she got here, but the support staff interested in getting that message out to the world has grown considerably.

Organizers are set up in a house trailer. Their meetings closed to reporters.
Anybody who thinks that Sheehan is just a poor grieving mother isn’t well informed.

And, of course, that’s the fault of the mainstream media.


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