Marquette Warrior: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Prosper

Thursday, May 11, 2006

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Prosper

From The American Thinker: an excellent article on how 9/11 conspiracy theories are beginning to prosper.

The argument is: this is not a trivial matter. JFK assassination conspiracy theories opened the way for travesties of justice like the Garrison investigation.

9/11 conspiracy theories tend to obscure the actual nature of the conflict we are now in. They tell us, in effect, “radical Islam isn’t the enemy, the U.S. government is actually the enemy.”

Which is a recipe for a complete inability to deal with radical Islam.

Clearly, a lot of the conspiracy mongers want that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, regarding who the enemy is (that is, who and what creates the Islamic Jihadists we all despise) you might read Paul Craig Roberts The Neoconservative Threat. Even the best intentions which at first inadvertently create more evils than good become evil if no reassessment reverses the counterproductive blowback we all deplore. Then if we cynically exploit that blowback in the quest for imperial domination we fall into a "new" specie of evil.

4:14 PM  

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