Let’s Forget About All That
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GLENN MCCOY © Belleville News-Democrat. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. |
Labels: Civil War, Confederate, Monuments, Political Correctness, Statues
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GLENN MCCOY © Belleville News-Democrat. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. |
Labels: Civil War, Confederate, Monuments, Political Correctness, Statues
Right, because how would we remember history without statues? Interesting how southerners didn't seem as interested in erecting statues to remember abolitionists.
Why did you work to remove a mural at Marquette if displays are purely about remembering history? Your own actions demonstrate that you understand what is wrong with statues that honor traitors who fought for slavery.
@KeynesianPacker: The Southern Generals were not terrorists. Assata Shakir was. They were military men who happened to be on the wrong side. Note that we don't demonize German and Japanese military men like Yamamoto, Rommel or Guderian. Why not? There is no payoff in identity politics in doing that.
The rebel generals did not just "happen to be on the wrong side" - they consciously chose to fight for a rebel army fighting against the United States, primarily in order to preserve slavery. Does Berlin have a Rommel statue?
You didn't respond to my point about how if preserving history is the real motivation to keep these statues, why are there not more monuments to the abolitionists? The timeline of when these displays were erected and who was chosen to be honored make it pretty clear what they're intended to represent.
As for a Rommel statue:
And this:
Germany's memorial to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is perched on a hillside overlooking the middle-class town of Heidenheim an der Brenz where he was born 120 years ago. The words inscribed on the white limestone monument describe the legendary Second World War general as "chivalrous", "brave" and as a "victim of tyranny".
You might ask why, in books and documentaries, German and Japanese commanders (Yamamoto, Guderian, Rommel) are not demonized.
Could it be there is no profit in terms of 21st Century identity politics in it?
And have you noted that the Red Barron was buried by the Allies with full military honors?
So politically correct types seem to have a hatred for Confederate military men that nobody seems to have for other soldiers -- even bitter enemies of the U.S.
@KeynesianPacker: as for statues of abolitionists, by all means erect some.
Why do such statues not already exist if these monuments were erected to honor history? Did waves of admiration for military men coincide with Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement?
Rommel literally had to kill himself after plotting to assassinate Hitler. And are you really confused as to why Americans might take more offense to statues within our own borders?
@KeynesianPacker. You are the one who is confused. If you don't like the Rommel comparison, consider Yamamoto. He is not condemned or demeaned either.
As for Americans taking offense, an NPR poll shows a majority of Americans saying to leave the monuments:
More blacks said leave them than remove them.
One final thought you might take seriously about things Confederate:
With malice toward none, with charity for all,
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